Friday, January 02, 2009

Project 365

I'm among the thousands of people who spent hours on the internet trying to order a Becky Higgins Project 365 kit from Creative Keepsakes. What a crazy way to start the new year! But I love the idea of taking a photo each day to document our lives during 2009, so I have begun the process. Now, if I happen to get a kit, I'll put the photos in there. Otherwise, I'll be figuring out another way to put this project together. Since the book is designed to be done by week, Becky suggested we begin on Sunday, Dec 28th. I usually think of my week as Monday through Sunday, so I began on December 29th.

So far I have taken these photos:
Dec 29: Zane and a friend playing at our house
Dec 30: Catherine at the periodontist for her pre-implant consultation
Dec 31: a sculpture at the airport when I picked Jay up
Jan 1: the boys just after midnight
Jan 2: Papa John's pizza box - our Friday night treat

Since I have a new camera (Canon 50D), I'm looking forward to this daily challenge. Just getting the camera out and using it on a daily basis will help me learn it's functions and become more familiar with it!

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